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Should Both Parents Bring The Baby To Bed?

5 reasons why alternating bedtime duty between parents is a good idea and how the whole family can benefit from it I was home after giving birth to our beautiful baby girl. For the first...

Surprising Things No One Tells You About Motherhood

Here are 11 things you probably did not know about motherhood but are very common 1. You might not have that Instant connection with your baby During pregnancy, we all imagine the moment you get...

Labeling Kids and Their Negative Effects

Why it can be challenging for parents to truly accept their children the way they are I remember very well how my mother always tried to motivate me to socialize with other kids. "Go play...

Why Is My Baby Fighting Sleep?

Here is what exactly to do when your baby or toddler simply doesn't want to go to sleep I grab the sleeping bag, and my 18 month old one watches me closely. We exchange some...